jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008


Com a gran novetat serà la segona prova de la competició, es donarà la sortida a la línea de meta situada a la platja gran de l'Estartit a les 10:00h.
La prova consta de 3 avituallaments, i un control de pas en el punt denominat com el coll d'en Tallant.

13'5 km molt durs, per un circuit molt técnic i que transcorre per uns paratges espectaculars, on no falta de res: el mar, cales, muntanya, boscos de pinedes, pistes, corriols, descensos per recuperar, penya-segats...etc.

4 comentarios:

  1. Anybody done this run? Any info on the route would be great!!

  2. Yes I did, is a technical track and the views are incredible, amazing.

    More info in www.enestartit.com or www.triatlotrailmedesmontgri.com.

  3. this is year is the first time that race organized, but i've runned in the area many time, and as the guy above says it's amazing, tenchnical and quite hard but absolutely awesome.

  4. this year it will be the first edition of the race, but I live nearby and I trainned around this are many time, as the guy above says it is a tenchnical track and quite hard,very nice views, quite awesome
